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How to Prepare & Survive

Be Prepared. Be Ready. Stay Alive.

The top 10 deadliest disasters that people should prepare for can vary depending on the location and the individual’s circumstances. However, based on historical data and current global trends, here are ten disasters that people should consider preparing for:

According to a survey conducted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in 2020, only 32% of Americans reported that they had taken steps to prepare for a natural disaster in the past year. This means that the majority of Americans, approximately 68%, are not adequately prepared for a natural disaster. The survey found that the most common reason for not preparing was a lack of awareness or understanding of what actions to take. Other reasons included a lack of time, resources, or motivation to prepare. It’s important for individuals and families to take proactive steps to prepare for natural disasters to minimize the risk of injury or loss of life and to help ensure a quicker recovery following a disaster.


Photo courtesy of NOAA

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